Prayers for 2025

Let us pray for those on the move around the world, at our borders, and in our communities.

As women who believe God calls us to a deep love for the vulnerable, the marginalized, and the forgotten, we know part of that call to love is to pray. As we enter 2025, we are holding many concerns in our hearts. But as we align our hearts to God’s heart for the immigrant and refugee, we want to hold our brothers and sisters in our prayers. Let us pray for those on the move around the world, at our borders, and in our communities.


The World

God, our hearts break for the reasons people are on the move around the world like war and violence, political unrest, persecution, famine, and lack of economic opportunity. We ask for stability and safety for people who long to remain in their homes. Lord, you see the pain of your children and we ask for you to provide for those with no safe place. Bring comfort to those who’ve had to flee and lead them to people who will welcome them.


At the Border

God, we pray for those who’ve left home behind. With so much uncertainty and confusion about crossing borders, policies, and laws—we pray peace over the hearts of those at the border. We ask for clarity, for peace, and for provision. God, while we ask for safety and security at our borders, we pray for people to be treated with dignity and that you would guide them to helpers.


In Our Communities

God, we pray for newcomers to our communities. Ease the transition and comfort them in the grief of all the left behind. May they be received with love and open arms into safe spaces. 

We pray for those who are waiting: for asylum seekers, Dreamers, and those with Temporary Protected Status. For those who long to adjust their status but have no way, ask for solutions and provision.

We ask for peace for mixed-status families and others who are afraid of separation. We ask for protection for families. May they know the comfort of your love and the support of their community.

For our families, neighborhoods and churches—we ask you would stir within us the ability to love those far from home, the wisdom to know how to serve those in need, and the grace have compassionate conversations with those whom we disagree. Build us into a people who are united around loving our neighbors, no matter who they are.

Pray All Year

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