Scripture tells us in Luke 6, that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
You might not feel confident in your ability to advocate for immigrants or refugees just yet, but we’re to help you in this part of your journey. Vulnerable families are counting on you to speak up. So when you start to doubt yourself, remember your compassion brought you here, your faith compelled you to engage, and Jesus will give you the peace and wisdom to speak from the heart.
We’ve put together a guide to help you organize your thoughts and use your voice well.
See below to download today and start praying about where you should engage first.
Login here or register below to receive the download link via email.
Ready to use the tools from our Using Your Voice Guide? Here are some next steps:
Some people will not understand what the love of Christ compels you to do. Do it anyway. – Sheila Walsh
What Can You Do Right Now?
Looking for advocacy opportunities you can participate in now? Check out the latest advocacy needs.
In Your Spheres of Influence
Stay connected with our online community and World Relief for helpful articles, videos, and resources to share and promote in your own social spaces. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube @WomenofWelcome.
In Your Community & Church
We offer several resources, including Bible studies and discussion guides for films and video series that you can use in your community and church. Invite others to learn with you through joining a Connect Group.
Bible Studies + Films Connect Groups Family Activity + Discussion Kit
With Your Elected Officials
Our commitment to show Christ-like welcome includes understanding policies that affect our neighbors. Our civic engagement and advocacy must go beyond the voting booth. It must not be limited to one vote every four years. If we remain in this type of habit, we keep distant from the very people we’re called to love and our neighbors undoubtedly suffer.
Calling our lawmakers is one way to stay engaged and hold accountable the people in office who have made a commitment to serve their constituencies. This might feel like an intimidating task, but we assure you your leadership needs to hear from you in order for change to happen. It’s much less scary than you imagine, we promise.
New to this type of advocacy? Here are some step by step guides to help.