When We Welcome Are We Also Condoning?

As we encourage people toward Christ-like welcome, we get the question, “If I welcome people into my home or into my life and they have a lifestyle I don’t agree with or they’re making choices I don’t support, does welcoming them to my table condone that behavior?”

Bri Stensrud, the Director of Women of Welcome, answers this question by pointing us back to the tools God has given us to point us to what biblical welcome looks like.

I think we have three tools that help us make good, wise decisions when welcoming them into our spaces:

  1. The Holy Spirit
  2. God’s Word
  3. Wise Counsel

Then, I want you to take a look at these passages where Christ shows an example of his welcome:

  • Matthew 9:9-11
  • 1 Peter 4:8-11

So, what do you think? Based on these Scriptures, what would Jesus have us do? If you want to dive even deeper into what Scripture says about how we are to welcome others, download our free study Christ-like Welcome!