A Tangible Opportunity to Welcome Afghan Refugees

"This truly is a group of women of welcome. I am truly speechless at the generosity and love that has been demonstrated."

You’ve been following the stories with us of refugees arriving from Afghanistan. We shared 7 ways to help Afghan refugees. Today we have another simple way to show extravagant love and we hope you’ll join us! 

A Tangible Opportunity to Show Welcome

Ladies, we have a tangible, immediate opportunity for you to welcome Afghan refugees! One of our community members, Leea from Kentucky, was eager to see how she could support newly arriving refugees when she learned Afghans were coming to a military base two hours from her home.

She reached out to get involved. One question she asked was if there were items she could bring to donate. That’s when she learned that the families there are struggling to access nearby hot water to be able to make tea in their homes. The families prefer to eat at home, rather than in the base’s dining hall, but the hot water cools off by the time they return home, and it isn’t hot enough to make tea.

She shared with our private Facebook community (if you’re not a part, join now!) an Amazon wishlist to purchase thermoses and hot water kettles for the newcomers. In less than 24 hours, over 120 thermoses and kettles were purchased!

Leea said, “People from more than 15 states have demonstrated an overwhelming outpouring of love for our new neighbors and concern for their situation. My mind cannot even comprehend this. This truly is a group of women of welcome. I am truly speechless at the generosity and love that has been demonstrated. I cannot thank YOU enough. Wow, wow, wow. The Lord is good. He is faithful.”

You can still help families feel a little more at home by purchasing a thermos or kettle from the Amazon wishlist.