Our team shared some stories of times they’ve been far from home as we dive into the stories of God’s people on the move through our study Far From Home: Exploring Migration Stories in the Bible.
When I (Brittani) was in 8th grade, I participated in an exchange trip to Moriyama, Japan. Moriyama is the sister city of Adrian, Michigan, the small southern Michigan city I grew up in. One thing that stands out to me is how much that trip influenced my culinary palette! I was a very picky eater before that trip. But, on the trip, I realized that to be a good guest in my host home would be to eat the meals they lovingly prepared for me.
Happily, Japanese food is delicious and this turned out to be only a mental barrier of mine to break through. It is not hard food to love!
My host family was so gracious and hospitable. I remember them asking what kind of foods my family ate for a special meal, and I told them probably steak and potatoes. On my last night, they prepared a steak for dinner Japanese-style. It was such a lovely gesture.
I also had my first experience of really having to rely on the hospitality of strangers. Much of our trip was spent individually in our host homes, but our group of 8 students traveled together to Hiroshima to take in the history there.
Along with our chaperones, we got lost trying to navigate the public transit system. A kind woman intervened and not only gave us the right directions, but rode with us in the opposite direction she was traveling to make sure we got to where we were trying to go. That willingness to be inconvenienced to help strangers has stuck in my mind all these years later.
How young were you the first time you were far from home?
Whether we’ve noticed it before or not, God’s redemptive story is one of migration. Sometimes it was a journey to a promised land, other times an exodus or an exile. This six-week study will help you reconnect to God’s faithfulness through the history of his people’s migration. Download the 6-week Far From Home Bible study.