“These are the shoes of a 5-year-old boy from El Salvador. The journey took his mother and him a month to reach old Mexico, another month in the tent camps to cross over. Evading cartel, sex traffickers, starvation, sickness, and extortion. It’s 1,357 miles.
The soles of his shoes have holes in them, his feet have blisters on them. He’s 5. They fled the evil that hopefully our daughters and sons never know. Evil our children hopefully never endure. He now has new shoes. In this moment he smiles as he is given a crayon and a blank picture of a dinosaur. His blisters don’t stand a chance between him and his masterpiece.
No politics. I am a follower of Jesus. It is my commission to love everyone as he does. I can not save everyone. I can’t fix their situations. But I must be the face of Jesus to these children and those in need. There is hope. They have hope.”