Mygration Christian Conference: Start with Welcome Webinar

Current estimates suggest over 100 million people are forcibly displaced from their homes and seeking refuge in other countries. It seems as if everyone wants to come to the U.S., and if we're honest, that gives many of us pause. As Christians we're supposed to love our neighbor as ourselves. But many can't stop wondering

Loving Your Neighbor

Loving God and loving neighbor are essential to what it means to be a Christ follower. In a time of increasing polarization in our country and around the world, Christ calls his church to be a countercultural example of restoration and reconciliation. "Love Your Neighbor" is an event where we will hear how the Bible

Welcome Corps Informational Meeting

Are you interested in welcoming refugees to your community through private sponsorship, but want to learn more? Come hear stories of private sponsors and refugees as they share what led them to sponsor, their experience with the process so far, and how we can change the world through sponsorship. Register at the link below.

Denver Proximity Event with our friends at KIND

Friday, May 10th, Women of Welcome invites you to experience proximity to the real challenges of migrant children and immigrants in a one-of-a-kind proximity event in Denver, CO.  With the help of our friends at K.I.N.D we will visit Denver immigration court, have Q/A time with lawyers who represent migrant children, and hope to visit a local migrant shelter to hear